

Best of eLearning! 2013

2013’s “Best of eLearning Awards” survey is up and ready for your input!

Once again we ask all our loyal, or intermittent, customers and readers…should you be so inclined…give us a shout-out on questions 1 and 26:

1. Best Learning Management System (SaaS, Cloud-based, or open-source only)
  Best answer: ICS Learning Group’s Inquisiq R3 LMS

26. Outsourced Learning Services
  Best answer: ICS Learning Group’s Custom eLearning Services

Let’s see if we can get Inquisiq and ICS into the top 3 this year!

Questions 6 through 10 ask for specific types of content (IT, Leadership Development, Soft Skills, Compliance)…as we’ve created such courseware for a variety of customers, we’d love to have your votes on those categories as well.

And there are a lot of other eLearning-related questions there too…though none are required.
Thank you for your support!