

Closing out 2012, welcome 2013!

Another year flies by and kept us all busy here at ICS, which we consider fortunate in the economic environment, but which we’ll also take as a testament to the resiliency of our custom (bespoke!) courseware development services and products.

We continue to improve our Inquisiq LMS features and performance. One significant milestone on the 2013 roadmap is TinCan (aka Experience API) support as more customers require mobile and/or off-line record tracking, and as authoring products integrate the API support.

And as always, we continue to push our content development services to achieve maximum engagement and interactivity, suiting the requirements and budget for our customers. We’ve created some fun and interesting products in 2012 and hope our clients find them to be effective in their respective workplace. As an example, we;

  • Designed and developed an award-winning eLearning piece on alternative-drive vehicles for the NAFTC.
  • Created a Travel Security lesson for an international consultation company; one feature of which allows the customer to make specific branding and procedural customizations for their respective clients on their own.
  • Developed a multimedia piece for a large construction company on employee physical and financial well-being, including an orientation on how to get the most from the sponsored online resources.
  • Built an educational piece on the basics of geophysics for an international society, targeted for a global audience.
  • Updated a software training product for the US Census Bureau, a product we initially developed in 2001 and have been updating annually as their software undergoes changes.

And a few current projects slated for completion in 2013 (and all will be mobile-compatible):

  • Safe-practice procedures for nanofabrication cleanrooms
  • Methods for overcoming Adult ADHD
  • Sales training for a large residential and commercial product manufacturer
And, of course, continuing to work with our current customers on new and engaging training products for their respective audiences.

All-in-all, a very good year! We look forward to continuing to grow, produce quality projects, and exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers’ training needs. It will also be exciting to see how the eLearning evolution continues in 2013…

  • Will Dr. Allen’s SAM process make any headway against ADDIE? Should it?
  • Will eLearning, as a term, fade in favor of mLearning…or maybe eLearning will stick around as the favored word…with the understanding it means ‘everywhere learning’? (we like that idea)
  • Will TinCan actually become known as the Experience API…and will it fulfill the promise?
  • How many tool vendors will not only implement it, but implement it WELL?
  • And will Web Browsers actually implement the newly-defined HTML5 spec fully, or will each integrate a variation, returning us to those annoying ‘best viewed with [insert browser]’ badges?
  • Will we see the Flash IDE evolve into a tool that can output to SWF *and* HTML5/JS? Perhaps a merging of their Edge products into Flash as they mature?

Is there a place to take bets on these sorts of things? Ah, let’s wait til after the holidays for that…Best Wishes!