

Flash Player 10.1 Released!

Late on June 10th, Adobe released the much-anticipated Flash Player update. The 11th will be a busy day for upgrading our various workstations with the latest 10.1 player!
See the Adobe Flash Player Team blog announcement.

One feature we’re particularly excited about for eLearning development is the ability to record microphone data from both local and web-based applications. Previous players allowed access to the user’s microphone, but only for ‘live’ data for applications such as video conferencing. The (supposed) ability to record that data for later playback opens up a few possibilities for projects we have in the pipeline.
As experiments with that functionality begins, stay tuned for reports on our progress.

A few feature enhancements:

  • A single runtime that works across desktops and devices.
  • Vast performance and power improvements.
  • AS3 VM optimizations
  • Hardware-based h.264 decoding
  • Application-level multicasting and increased buffer tolerance
  • Multi-touch and gesture support (!)
  • Many Mac-specific improvements (which were sorely needed)

So we eagerly await the internal roll-out of this latest player so we can start working with it. We’ve done limited experiments with the beta releases and were encouraged…now we’ll see how well it works as an official release!

We’ll also be moving our mobile (mLearning) R&D forward with this new player, though it’ll take a bit for player release to work its way through the mobile device ecosystem…(and will this release make the cut for Apple to reconsider? We’ll see!)